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Chinese Herbal MedicineThere is a misconception about acupuncture. Many people believe that it is a waste of money and others refuse to try it because they’re terrified of needles. Acupuncture does involve needles, but these needles are used to treat a variety of ailments and emotional issues. The practice of Acupuncture first began in Ancient China. This Chinese herbal medicine in Fort Lauderdale focuses uses the over 300 pressure points in your body to target specific areas for pain relief. Thin needles are inserted at specific points in the body to help alleviate pain. Some of the most common uses for acupuncture include:

Back Pain Treatment in Fort Lauderdale

Back pain can be crippling. Whether you’ve been injured or suffer back pain from aging or having kids, the relief you need does not have to come out of a bottle. We offer back pain treatment in Fort Lauderdale. We can help provide the relief you need by focusing on pressure points that trigger nerve endings in your back. You can get back pain relief in Fort Lauderdale safely and quickly with our professional services.

In addition to offering relief from back pain, acupuncture can help relived neck pain. Our neck pain treatment in Fort Lauderdale will make it easier for you to get the rest you need without pain. We can provide neck pain relief in Fort Lauderdale for injuries, illness or muscle soreness. Skip the pain reliever and find longer-lasting, better pain relief with acupuncture.

Neck pain is often associated closely with shoulder pain because they are so close together and pain in one area can trigger pain in another area. When you are feeling tension and pain in your shoulder, we can help. Our shoulder pain acupuncture Fort Lauderdale targets areas around your shoulder that tense up and pinch. Our professional staff can help relieve the stress and tension in your neck, shoulders and back so you can get back to doing whatever is important to you. Learn more about pain relief with acupuncture at our website.

Headache Acupuncture Treatment in Fort Lauderdale

Chronic headaches can make living a normal life difficult. Whether you struggle with migraines, cluster headaches or stress headaches, we can help. Headache acupuncture treatment Fort Lauderdale will help you find the relief, so you can start thinking clearly again. Acupuncture can help relieve pain associated with headaches and pains from strokes, Parkinson’s disease and other disorders. Let our professional acupuncturist in Fort Lauderdale help you get back to normal.

We know that dealing with chronic headaches and pains can interrupt work and relaxation. Take a break and get the treatment you need with a professional technician at the Vibrant Health Center. Read more about how we can help ease your pains today.

Treatment for Sciatica in Fort Lauderdale

Pain from Sciatica can be crippling. Pain radiates along the sciatic nerve down the lower back and into your legs. The burning pain can make it difficult to walk or participate in physical activities. This type of pain is typically caused from a herniated disc or a bone spur. You can get treatment for sciatica in Fort Lauderdale. Acupuncture Fort Lauderdale is a great way to help relive severe pain often associated with this injury. While Sciatica typically resolves, with treatment, within a few months, you may be able to forgo medication or supplement it with acupuncture. We’ll target nerve endings that will help alleviate the pain in your lower back and legs so you can walk and feel more comfortable. Let us help you’re your sciatica Fort Lauderdale.

Hire a Nutritionist Fort Lauderdale

Many of the aches, pains and injuries people experience can be directly tied to a poor diet. When you are not eating the right foods, your body will not get the vitamins and nutrients it needs to function properly. Low levels of vitamins and minerals and a diet full of junk food and chemicals will result in more headaches, more pains and a body more susceptible to injury.

Today’s food is easier to access, but it’s also full of things our body doesn’t need. From soda to potato chips, French fries, cookies and cakes there are plenty of ways to consume empty calories and harmful additives. Eating healthy isn’t always easy and it can be inconvenient. Changing your lifestyle to incorporate healthier foods can be a bit overwhelming.

For people trying to lose weight or simply live a healthier lifestyle, maintaining a healthy diet is often the most difficult part! With so many different books offering advice on the perfect diet, it’s hard to know which one really works the best. When you hire a nutritionist in Fort Lauderdale, you take all the guess work out of it.

Fort Lauderdale nutritional counseling will help you learn how to make better choices about the foods you eat. Our program will help you customize a plan to meet your individual needs. Your counselor will talk to you about your goals and preferences and help you put together a plan that works for your life. We offer ideas for every type of diet including kosher, raw foods, vegan and vegetarian. Our professional nutritionist is skilled at creating helpful programs for a better lifestyle.

Our nutritionist will also help you pair a healthy exercise and stress-relief routine with your new diet. Pairing medication and Yoga or another exercise program will help your body become stronger so that it is better able to fight of aches and pains.

We know that the way we eat isn’t always simple. Emotional barriers and our background often create barriers to healthier eating programs. We want to help you find a solution that works for you by identifying why you find comfort in food and teaching better ways to relieve stress and find the comfort you need.

Learn more about how we can help you have a healthier lifestyle today.

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